Getting Back to the Basics

Just start, Andromeda, and don’t overthink it or worry about it being perfect.” These are the words that I spoke to myself as I felt anxiety creep up each time I made an attempt to type the first sentence. I would have come up with an excuse to step away from my laptop and focus on completing a less daunting task, but because I made a promise to get back to operating in my gifts, here I am, pushing through the resistance I feel to be a woman of my word.

Blame Tray. Tray is a member of She Wins Society who is known for her powerful prayers, unapologetic authenticity, and infectious positive spirit. Yesterday, she attended Sisters Check-in (a monthly virtual meet-up that offers members of our community a safe space to have vulnerable conversations and grow in sisterhood) and led us to a discussion about purpose and gifts. By the end of the discussion, I was challenged to get back to blogging.

Your gifts will make room for you.

Long before I even thought about starting an organization, speaking on stages, becoming a life coach, hosting events and retreats, and growing a social media following, writing was my first love and the thing that I did the best with the least amount of effort. In fact, if I hadn’t started blogging 10 years ago, I would have never discovered that I’m not alone in my desire to see women do better in our relationships with one another. The community I built through blogging was the catalyst for everything I created thereafter. And blogging opened the door for me to become a speaker, life coach, event planner/host, founder of a global women’s organization, and social media influencer.

Writing is undoubtedly my gift and it has absolutely made room for me time and time again. I lost sight of that once I started experiencing success doing other things, and now I know why there’s been an overwhelming void in my heart that I haven’t been able to fill. Despite all of my achievements and awards, I still felt a longing for a time when things seemed simpler and more aligned.

This challenge to get back to the basics came right on time as I have reached a point in my life where I have very little interest in doing things that don’t fulfill me. I don’t want to do anything just because I can, I’m good at it, or people expect me to. Whatever I do moving forward will be because it aligns with my God-given gifts and purpose and fuels my soul and spirit.

Despite the initial discomfort I felt when pushing myself back into this space, it feels good to be reconnecting with my first love. With each sentence that I write, I feel like I’m getting back to who God created me to be. It also feels like healing in a way. There’s so many things I’ve wanted to express and share, but haven’t because I haven’t made the time to write. That changes today. Thanks for challenging me, Tray.

There are two things I want you to take away from this:

  1. It is extremely important to surround yourself with people who see the best in you, want the best for you, and will challenge you to become the best version of yourself. It can and will change the trajectory of your life.

  2. Despite the pressures to change with the trends, never abandon your gifts.

Be sure to visit again soon, Sis. I’ve got much more to share that will enlighten, inspire, and empower you forward. Thanks for joining me on this journey.

xo, Coach Andromeda

Andromeda Raheem

Andromeda Raheem is the founder of She Wins Society, a Certified Master Life Coach, 2x published author, and motivational speaker. Andromeda has dedicated her life to empowering women to shift into a winning mindset, prioritize self-care, cultivate meaningful connections, and invest in their personal development to achieve the highest level of success in their lives and careers. As Andromeda wholeheartedly believes in the power of community, she continuously creates spaces and opportunities for women to grow and win together. Her mantra is “When women support women, we all win”. Andromeda’s ultimate life goal is to fulfill her divine purpose and leave an inspiring legacy that will positively impact current and future generations of women and their families.


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