She’s That Girl: Meet Wellness Influencer, Deanna Robinson

Deanna Robinson is an inspiring wellness influencer and Health and Wellness Programming expert. She wears many hats - from being a health and wellness Consultant and Holistic Nutritionist to a children’s book author, mom, and wife. She's also the creative mind behind the Fab Body Retreat, a three-day annual women's sojourn that brings together luxury, wellness, faith, play, and connection in the most amazing way.  Deanna is passionate about supporting her community by empowering others to prioritize their well-being. Through her gym and community outreach initiatives, she makes a positive impact every day.

Where does your boldness and confidence come from?

God is my source. I know that God instilled skill sets and talents that allow me to do what I do at the level I do it. I always move with a knowing that I have a higher purpose and that someone else’s deliverance could rest in my obedience and confidence to operate in the power He has given me. 

When facing adversity, what motivates you to keep moving forward?

I have always been a very persistent, bold and ambitious person. The motivation comes from my vision being greater than the limits placed on me by challenges.

What is one goal you set and achieved that made you feel like “I’m That Girl”?

Opening my own gym was an amazing goal I met. It came with many hurdles, including financial, legal, and lack of community support. Being persistent and not giving up gave me 10+ years of being able to inspire thousands of women to lead healthier lifestyles.

What three core values have helped you become 'that girl'?

Integrity, ambition, and confidence.

What are your favorite self-care routines that help you relax, restore, and maintain your best self?

Hot showers, exercise, lavender aromatherapy with meditation, watching feel-good movies and spending time with loved ones.

How can our readers connect with you?

Instagram: @deannarobinsonfit


Annisha Jones

Meet Annisha Jones: Blogger, Podcaster, and Freelance Writer

Annisha Jones is a multi-talented professional with a passion for sharing stories and insights about personal development and positive change. She has a wealth of experience in business administrative communication, writing, and copywriting for various publications.

With an undergraduate degree in Marketing and a master's degree in International Business, Annisha brings over 20 years of experience to the table. Her blog and podcast, "5 Years to 40 Podcast," is aimed at easing the fears of millennials who are approaching their fortieth birthday.

It provides inspiration, confidence, and guidance in areas such as health, careers, and relationships. By collaborating with guests and experts, Annisha's weekly chats give readers and listeners invaluable insights.

Annisha has many favourite things including a cup of coffee, an inspiring conversation, and a fantastic day by the ocean with her loved ones. But more than anything else, her greatest joy comes from raising her teenage daughter.



She Gets It Done: Meet Amour Destine Founder, Annie Gibbs


She’s That Girl: Meet Author, Founder, and CEO, Monica Brown