
Photo Credit: Anaya Katlego on Unsplash

Displaying vulnerability has many layers to it. It can be scary, and the force to pull back from exposure can be very strong. However, in some situations, your ability to be vulnerable can push you forward or hold you back. Why is this so complicated? A simple answer would be that being vulnerable requires a massive amount of courage. The ability to be vulnerable is not weak or lacking esteem in oneself. It is the process of opening yourself up for potential judgment and exposure. It can be challenging to be vulnerable with someone when you value their opinion. Therefore, everyone should not have access to this part of you. Don’t get me wrong; you should be your authentic self. However, everyone should not be privy to all of the details about you. Have you ever shared something with someone only for them to turn around and use it against you? Have you ever allowed your emotions to show to someone, only for them to use that against you? It is not a good feeling, and it forces you to be guarded in the future.

When you feel safe and ready to take that plunge to show some vulnerability with someone, if received well, you will find it strengthens that relationship. If not received well, it can damage relationships. Whether personal or professional, you should never misunderstand someone else’s willingness to be vulnerable with you or their care for you as a weakness. It is a privilege that everyone does not get. The fact that they have taken this step is a compliment to you, as it usually means that they trust you. Mishandling this opportunity shows, at the minimum, you may need to work on being more empathetic. I am a firm believer that you reap what you sow. So, handle others vulnerable state with the same grace you would want yours to be addressed. Remember the strength and courage they put into it, and show understanding, love, and humility towards others.


Embracing New Beginnings


PAHEi X Fola Financial Collaborate to Provide an All-American University Experience in Cameroon, Africa.