Hometown Shero: Meet Trice Nichols

Please tell us your name, your job title and where you are from? 

My name is Trice Nichols, LVN (Licensed Practical Nurse) from Houston,TX

What inspired you to going into the nursing industry? 

Since I was a young child, I have been deeply inspired by my mother's dedication to her work in the nursing industry. I watched her tirelessly devote countless hours to providing care and compassion to her patients, and I admired her greatly for it. From the age of six, she instilled in me the same drive and passion to help those in need and guide them towards recovery. For nearly a decade now, I have been privileged to follow in her footsteps and have the opportunity to provide care that makes a difference in saving lives.

What tips would you give other women wanting to study a career in nursing? 

One of the most important pieces of advice I can offer is to understand your "why". Knowing your purpose will serve as a driving force to keep you going even when you feel like quitting. Additionally, it is crucial to always approach situations with compassion and prioritize self-care as nursing can be a challenging, yet rewarding career. 

Do you have any time management tips that other nurses can benefit from?

Nurses can greatly benefit from effective time management strategies. One key tip is to start your day by organizing tasks in order of importance. Prioritizing your responsibilities is crucial for ensuring that critical duties are addressed first. Being consistent and efficient in your work can help you stay on track and meet deadlines. It's also important to allow some flexibility in your schedule to accommodate unforeseen events that may arise throughout the day.

What are the most important lessons you have learned in your career? 

Throughout my career, I have learned valuable lessons that have shaped my approach to nursing. One of the most important insights is the need to stay teachable. Recognizing that there is always more to learn, we must remain open to new knowledge and adapt as the field of nursing progresses. Additionally, it is crucial for nurses to advocate for themselves with the same fervor that they advocate for their patients. Prioritizing mental health and self-care is essential, as our well-being directly impacts our ability to care for others effectively. In challenging situations, maintaining a sense of calm and exercising self-control is key. Taking a moment to pause and make thoughtful decisions can lead to positive outcomes.

Tell us about your new planner? What inspired you to create this tool for nurses? 

Witnessing the challenges nurses face with time management, organization, and money management throughout my years in the profession, I felt compelled to create the Everyday Nurse Planner. My aim is to instill discipline in your personal life, which will seamlessly translate into your professional life. Additionally, I am passionate about assisting nurses in improving their financial well-being by providing guidance on budgeting and money management, starting with the fundamental principle of tithing which has been a key factor to my success. Ultimately, the purpose of this planner is to empower nurses to lead disciplined and structured lives, leading to greater fulfillment and success.

Where can our readers connect with you?

Readers can connect with me on Instagram @littleladytrice_  or @everydaynurseplanner_

Facebook: Everyday Nurse Planner 

Website: everydaynurseplanner.com

Jenni Steele

Jenni Steele has a twenty-year career supporting, educating and uplifting the community. She is a mother, GlamMa, author, patron of Ashmole International School in Ghana, national ambassador for THIUK, and founder of Project YANA CIC.

Jenni is an author, her new books Self Discovery Exercise Journals for boys and girls. She has been featured in books and talk shows. She has interviewed celebrities and travelled the world throughout her career.

Her message to other women is, "Be willing to stand for yourself, within yourself, so that you can surround yourself with the things that honor who you are!"


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