Self-Worth First

Credit: Jeffrey Erhunse from Unsplash

Go where you are valued and appreciated because your life depends on it, Sis.

Holding onto relationships that constantly made me feel unworthy almost killed me. I hope that what I’m about to share will save somebody…

I spent many dark days telling myself that I would never be enough because that’s how the people around me made me feel. No matter how much good I did, it was never enough for them to express gratitude for my presence and reciprocate the love, support, and respect I gave. The lowest a person can get in life is feeling like they don’t matter and nothing they do will ever be enough. And that’s when the hopeless thoughts start to creep in.

What saved me was realizing that the issue wasn’t that I wasn’t enough. The issue was that my lack of self-worth was causing me to attract and remain with people who weren’t capable of seeing my value, many times because they couldn’t even see their own. I was giving myself and my gifts to the wrong people and it was crushing my confidence and self-esteem. Once I made the decision to let those relationships go and took the time to get to the root of why I was tolerating poor treatment, it completely shifted my perspective of myself. I no longer wanted to die. I wanted to live more boldly in my authenticity so that I could finally feel what it’s like to be surrounded by people who value me and the purpose God gave me.

Sis, your self-worth is not something that you can play with because it is at the root of everything that you do and accept. When you allow yourself to remain in environments and relationships that belittle your existence, you send a very harmful message to yourself. You set yourself up for failure because once seeds of self-doubt are planted in your mind and heart, it makes it impossible to live life fully, reach your goals, and fulfill your purpose. It’s a must that you make it your business to find spaces where you will be respected, valued, supported, and appreciated because your life truly depends on it.

As we are heading into a new year, I encourage you to take inventory of the environments you spend the most of your time in and the relationships you give most of your attention to. What do they tell you about your level of self-worth? Do you feel respected and appreciated in these spaces and around these people? Do these relationships and spaces affirm your worth and contribute to your confidence or do they make you question your worth and decrease your confidence? Do you need to do some inner work to heal from the past and increase your self-worth? Based on your answers, choose to do what’s in the best interest of your mental and emotional health.

Everything in this message is the inspiration behind what She Wins Society will be focusing on moving forward. God made it clear to me this year that a lot of women are struggling with lack of self-worth and our relationships and experiences are suffering because of it. Knowing very well how difficult life is when a person feels unseen, unsupported, unworthy, and unappreciated is why I have revamped the She Wins Society membership community to focus on helping women recover from experiences that provoked self-doubt, increase self-worth, cultivate healthy and supportive relationships, and become socially wealthy.


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