Remember Who You Are
Credit: Suad Kamardeen from Unsplash
Remember, Sis.
Remember who you were before loss, failure, and disappointment made you feel like you aren’t worthy or enough.
Remember the dreams, goals, and visions you had before rejection, fear, and comparison dimmed your light, limited your beliefs, and stole your joy.
Remember the strength, courage, and creativity you discovered within yourself while in the process of overcoming every obstacle and challenge you’ve faced thus far.
Remember everything that you managed to accomplish even when it looked like all the odds were stacked against you.
You are still THAT GIRL.
She may have gotten buried under life’s growing pains or you may have tucked her away to avoid further hurt or disappointment, but she is still there. She is still inside of you waiting to serve the purpose she was created for.
It’s time to pick her up, dust her off, and bring her back to the forefront of your life. It’s time to trust her to be strong enough to withstand adversity and wise enough to make the right choices. It’s time to give her the authority to turn your pain into power and purpose.