You are Still Worthy
Credit: De’Andre Bush from Unsplash
Sis, your worth is not measured by your relationship status, the number of children you have birthed, the balance in your bank account, the number of friends or followers you have, the amount of love and support you receive from your family, your job title, the level of success you experience in business, your weight, the shape of your body, the texture of your hair, or the shade of your skin.
You are still worthy despite your mistakes, differences, and imperfections. You are still worthy when you are misunderstood, underestimated, and rejected. You are still worthy in the most difficult times of your life.
One of the most common and challenging battles women fight on a regular basis is maintaining our self-worth in a world that is constantly telling us that we aren’t enough. Because many of us have attached our worth to accomplishments that are commonly celebrated by others, we struggle to show up confidently in our lives consistently. If we don’t have any wins to announce, we feel like we’re not winning. And if our lives don’t look “perfect”, we feel like we’re not as worthy as others.
I didn’t realize just how true this is until I found myself questioning my own worth after I suffered an ectopic pregnancy, had to cancel an event due to lack of ticket sales, gained 20 lbs, and ended relationships I thought would last a lifetime. If I was unsuccessful at having a baby, selling out an event, keeping up with society’s beauty standards, and convincing others that I was valuable enough to maintain a relationship with then I must not be worthy, right? God must not love me, right? I couldn’t have been more wrong.
Here is what I know for sure about life, self-worth and God’s love…
The only thing certain about life is that it will keep changing. We are all constantly being moved to be more in alignment with our purpose and destiny. This is why you shouldn’t attach your self-worth to people, places, or things. Your self-worth should be on a solid foundation built from your intentional daily choices to take good care of your mind, body, and spirit, speak kindly to yourself, give yourself grace to grow, say no to abusive treatment, and do what you love instead of doing what you think will make others love you.
And even though many of us view our accomplishments as blessings, the measure of God’s love for us can not be accurately calculated by counting the number of successes we’ve experienced or by comparing what we have to what others have. Even when we fail to reach the goals we set and see others getting the things we’ve been praying for, we are still loved by God. It’s in the small details that we often take for granted where we can find the magnitude of God’s love for us. Every day that we wake up is a blessing and an opportunity to see just how loved and valuable we are. I pray that you will take advantage of today’s opportunities to feel beautiful, happy, and blessed. You are still worthy, Sis.