She is Winning: Meet Reinvention Strategist, Alethia Tucker

Alethia Tucker is a compelling thought leader who champions the success of women’s personal and professional empowerment, providing opportunities to use their gifts, talents, and voice. In line with her unyielding passion for helping women succeed, Alethia founded Jolease Enterprises, which offers strategies for reinvention by overcoming self-limiting thoughts, doubt, and fear. The mission is to help women realize their personal and shared power. She is also the host of Leveling Up: The Podcast. The show focuses on topics that impact her community to include finance, health, faith, career and lifestyle.

We took a moment to catch up with Alethia to learn more about her “winning” journey and here is what she had to say…

How do you define "winning" today? 

Winning for me is living a life that aligns with my true purpose. It's about waking up each day with a sense of fulfillment and joy because I am doing what I love and what I am meant to do. Winning is not about the accolades or the material possessions; it's about the inner peace that comes from knowing I am making a positive impact and living authentically. It’s seeing growth in my personal and professional life and cherishing the meaningful relationships in my life.

In what ways has your definition of "winning" changed over the years?

In my younger years, I equated winning with external validation – the degrees, the job titles, and the approval of others. But as I’ve grown, I’ve realized that true success is much deeper. It’s about self-love, resilience, and the courage to pursue my passions despite any obstacles I face. Winning means being true to myself, setting healthy boundaries, and prioritizing my well-being. It's about embracing the journey, with its ups and downs, and finding strength in vulnerability. 

Knowing what you know now, what would you say to your younger self?

If I could speak to my younger self, I would tell her to trust the process. There will be moments of doubt and fear, but those are the times when you grow the most. Embrace who you are, flaws and all, because your authenticity is your greatest strength. Don’t be afraid to take risks and follow your heart, even when the path isn’t clear. Remember, you are enough just as you are. The journey might be tough, but every experience shapes you into the woman you are meant to be. Keep the faith, stay true to your purpose, and never stop believing in yourself.

Name one thing you had to let go of or accept to become the woman you are today. 

I had to let go of people-pleasing. For so long, I put others before myself, constantly striving to ensure I had the acceptance and approval of those around me. This behavior often left me drained, unfulfilled, and disconnected from my true self. I realized that in trying to please everyone else, I was neglecting my own needs and desires. Letting go of this habit allowed me to prioritize my well-being and embrace my authenticity.  Once I did this I was able to make better decisions about my business and do work and life in a more meaningful way.

What accomplishment are you most proud of?

Accomplishments that I’m proud of include:

- Launching my business.  

- The programs that I’ve developed to help women navigate through some of the pain points unique to women in their prime years.

- Becoming an author of 6 books and adding self-publishing to my service offerings.

- Releasing my first documentary.

- Hosting my Journey Conferences

To connect with Alethia visit:

Lillie Mae

Lillie Mae is an award-winning PR Strategist, International Speaker and TV Personality from an Emmy-nominated series, who has helped entrepreneurs worldwide grow their business through books, coaching, courses and media campaigns for over 10 years. She graduated from UNC Chapel Hill and has been seen on Netflix, TMZ, and Black Enterprise, among other exciting platforms. 

Her PR efforts have landed major client media placements including USA Today, BET Networks, AfroTech, People Magazine and Yahoo News.

She is excited to continue sharing her passions for writing, speaking and empowering, to support the dreams of other creatives worldwide.

To further connect with her visit + follow @iamLillieMae on social platforms.

She’s That Girl: Meet Seasoned Event Photographer, Sorena Briley


She is Winning: Meet Event Designer, Ashley Marie