She’s That Girl: Meet Seasoned Event Photographer, Sorena Briley

Sorena Briley is a seasoned event photographer with over a decade of experience, serving New Orleans and beyond. Her work has been featured in prestigious venues such as the Contemporary Art Center and the New Orleans African American Museum. Specializing in government, nonprofit, business, and local events, Sorena brings meticulous planning and a creative eye to every project.

Where does your boldness and confidence come from?

My boldness and confidence are fueled by the affirmations I recite and the goals I’ve achieved. Every time I put my heart into something and see it come to fruition, it reinforces my belief in my abilities, pushing me to be bold and confident. Additionally, my father has been a significant source of motivation, constantly building me up and encouraging me to pursue my dreams.

When faced with adversity, what motivates you to keep moving forward?

My faith plays a crucial role in overcoming adversity; knowing that God has my back provides immense comfort and strength. Additionally, my family, especially my children, inspire me every day. Setting a strong example for them and envisioning the pride and joy in achieving my goals keeps me moving forward.

What is one goal you set and achieved that made you feel like “I’m That Girl”?

Earning my degree in business was transformative, but being accepted into the Master’s program for Marketing and Communications truly affirmed my “I’m That Girl” moment. This educational journey was part of a larger goal to overcome my beginnings in poverty and self-doubt to achieve professional recognition and empowerment. My work has been notably included in the publication “SEEING BLACK—Photography In New Orleans 1840 and Beyond,” which highlights the rich history and impact of Black photography in New Orleans. This publication has led to features at prestigious venues such as the African American Museum of Art and the Contemporary Art Center, showcasing the works of historic and contemporary New Orleans photographers. Additionally, my collaboration with the New Orleans Tourism Marketing Corporation has been instrumental, as they use my photos to effectively promote the city’s unique culture. These milestones—my academic advancements and professional achievements—symbolize my overarching goal of rising above my circumstances and making a significant mark in my field.

How do you empower other women to feel their “it factor”?

I empower other women by celebrating their successes and constantly encouraging them to believe in their limitless potential. On top of this, I actively promote the use of affirmations to help them cultivate a mindset of self-belief and resilience. By acknowledging their achievements and encouraging them to affirm their strengths and capabilities daily, I support them in building the confidence necessary to pursue their goals. This approach ensures they recognize and embrace their “it factor,” helping them to see that they are capable of achieving anything they set their minds to.

Share a favorite quote or affirmation to inspire readers in their purpose and confidence journey:

One of my favorite affirmations is, “I am leveling up.” I repeat this mantra three times daily to remind myself that every day is an opportunity for growth. It’s a commitment to continuous improvement and empowerment, ensuring I’m better than I was the day before.

How can readers connect with you online?

Readers can connect with me through my website at or follow me on Instagram at

Lillie Mae

Lillie Mae is an award-winning PR Strategist, International Speaker and TV Personality from an Emmy-nominated series, who has helped entrepreneurs worldwide grow their business through books, coaching, courses and media campaigns for over 10 years. She graduated from UNC Chapel Hill and has been seen on Netflix, TMZ, and Black Enterprise, among other exciting platforms. 

Her PR efforts have landed major client media placements including USA Today, BET Networks, AfroTech, People Magazine and Yahoo News.

She is excited to continue sharing her passions for writing, speaking and empowering, to support the dreams of other creatives worldwide.

To further connect with her visit + follow @iamLillieMae on social platforms.

She’s That Girl: Meet The 2080 Experience Founder, Yolanda Johnson


She is Winning: Meet Reinvention Strategist, Alethia Tucker