She’s That Girl: Meet The 2080 Experience Founder, Yolanda Johnson

Yolanda Johnson, Founder of The 2080 Experience, has a passion for sharing strategies to align processes and systems to enhance personal and organizational success. She has served with numerous corporate organizations as the Director of HR Strategy and Planning, HR Business Partner, and Talent Acquisition Leaders. It is her joy to influence the lives of others. This Philadelphia bred and South Carolina reared HR professional uses a unique blend of straight-talk and southern charm to champion strategic talent management, leadership coaching, and organizational effectiveness best practices.

Where does your boldness and confidence come from?

My boldness and confidence are inherited from my courageous grandmother, who raised her six siblings, my mother, who integrated her high school in South Carolina, and God, who reminds me daily that I’m His child.

When you’re faced with adversity, what motivates you to keep moving forward?

I’m motivated by creating a legacy that helps others avoid the giants I face now. Overcoming adversity makes me a better person and enables me to help others.

What is one goal you set and achieved that made you feel like “I’m That Girl”?

Being named in Birmingham Business Journal’s 2022 Top 40 Under 40 and featured on the cover made me feel like “I’m THAT Girl!” I was humbled that my work was recognized.

In what ways do you empower other women to feel their “it factor”?

I empower women by involving them in business deals, recommending clients, and loudly celebrating their accomplishments. When one of us wins, we all win.

Share a favorite quote or affirmation to inspire readers in their purpose and confidence journey:

“If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal... If I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing.” (1 Corinthians 13:1-3, NIV) This scripture reminds me that love is the foundation of all actions. Without love, talents, achievements, and sacrifices are empty. A journey rooted in love is the most impactful.

How can readers connect with you online?

Readers can connect with me on Instagram: @itsyolandaj, join the Momentum family on Facebook, or visit

Lillie Mae

Lillie Mae is an award-winning PR Strategist, International Speaker and TV Personality from an Emmy-nominated series, who has helped entrepreneurs worldwide grow their business through books, coaching, courses and media campaigns for over 10 years. She graduated from UNC Chapel Hill and has been seen on Netflix, TMZ, and Black Enterprise, among other exciting platforms. 

Her PR efforts have landed major client media placements including USA Today, BET Networks, AfroTech, People Magazine and Yahoo News.

She is excited to continue sharing her passions for writing, speaking and empowering, to support the dreams of other creatives worldwide.

To further connect with her visit + follow @iamLillieMae on social platforms.

She’s That Girl: Meet Self-Love Expert, Jineen R. Huff


She’s That Girl: Meet Seasoned Event Photographer, Sorena Briley