She’s That Girl: Meet Self-Love Expert, Jineen R. Huff

Jineen R. Huff is a Mindset Coach, Self-Love Expert, and Speaker who helps ambitious moms/women alleviate overwhelm and self-neglect by experiencing more inner peace, confidence, and healing while incorporating more self-love along the way!

Her mission is to empower ambitious, career-driven, professional, and entrepreneurial moms to unlock their full potential and create a life that aligns with their passions and values.

Where does your boldness and confidence come from?

My boldness and confidence come from my personal growth journey, where I had to believe in myself on the highest level, embrace vulnerability, and BLOOM into the best version of myself. This all started when I hit my rock bottom over 5 years ago, and I birthed my Intentional Queen Podcast: Journey to Restoration with Jineen as my audible journal to help other women no longer suffer in silence with some of the same challenges I was facing in my life. I am grateful to say that we have had over 16K downloads and 90 plus episodes of pure tea on self-love, self-healing, and growth mindset. I gave myself grace throughout this process because it was a true self-discovery journey and transformation, like the stages of a butterfly's metamorphosis. Embracing this journey has fueled my passion and determination to keep moving forward, despite the adversity as an introvert and private person.

When you’re faced with adversity, what motivates you to keep moving forward?

When faced with adversity, I remind myself that these challenges lead to opportunities. I've learned to maintain a strong sense of self-worth, knowing it remains at 100% whether I am winning or learning. I believe that things in life happen for me, not to me. This year is my year of expansion, which means embracing discomfort as I stretch and grow. My goal is to move forward into greatness and divine purpose while inspiring others and showing up for those who need support. By being there for myself and my tribe, I can serve as a source of inspiration and guidance as we turn our tests into testimonies.

What is one goal you set and achieved that made you feel like “I’m That Girl”?

One goal I set and achieved that made me feel like "I’m That Girl" was launching my successful coaching and speaking business, which has been a great blessing. Additionally, I birthed my first self-published book, "I Choose Me- The Intentional Guide To Never Losing Yourself Again" in February 2024. It has been well-received, with over 100 copies sold and 30+ Amazon Book Reviews from men and women. As a nurse anesthesiologist, I am also grateful to be nominated as Top Nurse 2024 in my state, all by the grace of God! My nursing career has expanded over 2 decades of expertise! I turned 40 years old this year, and I am believing for true expansion and restoration on my life!

In what ways do you encourage other women to pursue their big dreams?

I encourage other women to pursue their big dreams by sharing my story, offering guidance through my coaching services, and fostering a supportive community. My mission is to globally empower ambitious, career-driven, professional, and entrepreneurial moms to unlock their full potential and create a life that aligns with their passions and values. I offer 1:1 and group coaching, workshops, speaking engagements, and masterclasses, all designed to help women choose themselves in life, love, and motherhood. With burnout rates alarmingly high among moms and Women of Color, investing in well-being is crucial for long-term success and personal fulfillment.

Who inspires you to reach higher? 

My son, family, friends, and clients are a constant source of inspiration and motivation for me. As a single mother, I am not only inspiring others but also building a legacy for my son. In life, it's crucial to have a purpose, a "why" that keeps you going when times get tough. My clients are like extensions of my tree, and I love seeing them thrive, choose themselves more, and vow to never lose themselves again. Witnessing their transformations lets me know that my Kingdom business is meant for the tribe I serve, and it also reduces feelings of imposter syndrome because I understand their struggles firsthand. Be the light, shine bright, and don't let others' opinions dim your authentic self. My grounding scripture, Matthew 6:33, serves as a constant reminder to seek God first in everything I do.

How can our readers connect with you?

- Apply to work with me at

- IG/FB/Tiktok/YouTube at intentionalqueenjourney

- Website at 

- LinkedIn at Jineen R. Huff

- Email at 

- Intentional Queen Podcast: Journey To Restoration With Jineen (playing on all major podcast apps including ApplePodcasts, Spotify, and YouTube with New Episodes every other Thursday)

- I Choose Me- The Intentional Guide To Never Losing Yourself Again is now available at and

Andromeda Raheem

Andromeda Raheem is the founder of She Wins Society, a Certified Master Life Coach, 2x published author, and motivational speaker. Andromeda has dedicated her life to empowering women to shift into a winning mindset, prioritize self-care, cultivate meaningful connections, and invest in their personal development to achieve the highest level of success in their lives and careers. As Andromeda wholeheartedly believes in the power of community, she continuously creates spaces and opportunities for women to grow and win together. Her mantra is “When women support women, we all win”. Andromeda’s ultimate life goal is to fulfill her divine purpose and leave an inspiring legacy that will positively impact current and future generations of women and their families.


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