She’s That Girl: Meet Life & Luxury Mindset Coach, Kay Patrice

Kay Patrice is a Certified Life & Luxury Mindset Coach and the CEO of Kay Luxe Coaching, LLC. She is a native of Washington, D.C. and holds a Masters Degree in the Arts.

Kay started her journey as a content creator on YouTube, which showcased her travel diaries, cooking, lifestyle, etc. She has always had a love for consulting and educating other women on how to rest fully in their feminine energy. Her passion lies in being an available “safe space” for other women and inspiring them to not only find their voice, but also live their lives both faithfully and fully. Kay recently published her new book, Bouncing Back After Breakup: A Guide To Moving On After Friendship And Romantic Breakups.

Where does your boldness and confidence come from?

My boldness and confidence comes from a mixture of my journey in life and my older sister’s influence. I’ve had to learn how to speak up for myself from an early age. Also, learning over the years, how to validate myself (because very few people were going to do it for me) helped with gaining my overall confidence. My sister (who just recently passed away) was always one of the most confident women I knew. She was ‘never scared’ and always said what other people may have be too scared to say. She also navigated this world knowing that she was THAT GIRL, while always giving other females their props too. As an adolescent, if I was feeling upset or confused about something big or small, I would call her to talk me through it. And I always felt better afterwards because her outlook and energy were top tier. There was no way I could be around someone like her and not pick up some of her confidence and bold attributes.  

When you’re faced with adversity, what motivates you to keep moving forward?

All of the people in my family who have died young (cousins and siblings) are the motivators who keep me going. I feel like their stories were cut short, so as long as I am here, my story can’t be over.  I was even told by my doctor that I was lucky to be alive after my health scare! He jokingly said that, “If this were 15 years ago, before all of these updated medical interventions girl, you would not be here. You would have died young and lived a short life!” It got me to thinking… the motivation to keep going is not on you, but in you, as long as you are still walking this earth. Everyone has or will face difficulties. And they continue as long as you are alive. So instead of curling up and crying about it, why not tackle it head-on? We never know when God will call us home. But when HE does, then that is our time to quit. 

What is one goal you set and achieved that made you feel like “I’m That Girl”?

Designing and creating my own website really did it for me. It took a lot of time and effort, but I was determined to learn how and do it myself. I had lots of help along the way, but I was the one executing and designing and creating. Someone had suggested to me that since I knew nothing and this was all new to me, that maybe I should just hire someone else to do it and work from the business end. But I declined that idea and, instead, was determined to design it from start to finish myself. I wanted to finish what I had started so that I could add that skill to my resume of accomplishments: designing and publishing a website. To me, it just sounds like a big deal! I still look at it and think to myself… yup… I did that!

In what ways do you encourage other women to pursue their big dreams?

I write, film videos on YouTube and offer 1:1 coaching sessions to help and coach women. Depending on what their style of learning is, I speak and write about ways that women can elevate their lives and escape burnout because I have first-hand experience doing it. 

Who inspires you to reach higher?

My parents inspire me to reach higher. Both my mom and my dad still party (even more than me). My mom loves to travel and socialize. She is always out dancing and partying with her friends. My dad is a big socialite as well. He also sings, travels and performs live with a group and a band. They both make it a point to enjoy their free time and their friends. To sum it up, my parents are retired, but they do not sit at home and rot. They live their best lives… and fully! They inspire me to keep going and show me every day that life does not get boring once you retire… it gets even better. 

How can our readers connect with you?

You can visit my website at:  

1.   YouTube: KaybelleTV

2.   Instagram: @kayLuxeCoaching

3.   Facebook: Kay Luxe Coaching

4.   TikTok: @ohhhhkaykaykay (that’s 4 h’s)

Andromeda Raheem

Andromeda Raheem is the founder of She Wins Society, a Certified Master Life Coach, 2x published author, and motivational speaker. Andromeda has dedicated her life to empowering women to shift into a winning mindset, prioritize self-care, cultivate meaningful connections, and invest in their personal development to achieve the highest level of success in their lives and careers. As Andromeda wholeheartedly believes in the power of community, she continuously creates spaces and opportunities for women to grow and win together. Her mantra is “When women support women, we all win”. Andromeda’s ultimate life goal is to fulfill her divine purpose and leave an inspiring legacy that will positively impact current and future generations of women and their families.


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