She is Winning: Meet Education Administrator, LaShanda Pressley

How do you define "winning" today?

Winning is “not giving up”, staying actively engaged with your purpose, and in God’s will. Despite the setbacks and disappointments, or length of the race, you are still moving!

In what ways has your definition of "winning" changed over the years?

My perspective on winning has changed tremendously. I used to think someone was winning based on promotions, titles, materialistic gains, finances, etc. Although these things are awesome, they are only bonuses you gain when winning. You can have all of these things and be unhappy. There are people in high places with millions of dollars experiencing depression, sorrow, anxiety, unhappiness, loneliness, emptiness, etc.

I know now that winning is holding on to God’s unchanging hand, having faith that God is in control, and continuing to believe He is working everything out for your good. With this type of faith, you can experience joy in whatever state you or the world is in. Life is filled with swift transitions and life is going to life! Being capable of adjusting and enduring without giving up or losing your mind is WINNING!

Knowing what you know now, what would you say to your younger self?

Stay in your lane and keep your eyes on your journey! Do not compare your journey to anyone else. Everything will not happen according to your timeline, but according to God’s. So go ahead and relinquish your life and control to him or you will constantly be unhappy and disappointed. If you don’t do these things, you will miss out on the many blessings right before you.

Name one thing you had to let go of or accept to become the woman you are today:

To become the woman I am today, I had to learn how to choose myself! I had to accept that I can’t be everything to everyone and I can’t do it all. There are resources and other people who can do what I don’t have the strength to do. My love, strength, and commitment are not measured by how I over-extend myself. I am permitted to say “I can’t do this”. I have discovered that there were some burdens I picked up and carried way too long for the sake of being a “strong black woman” and pleasing others. I only have one life to live, and I choose to live it to the fullest!

What accomplishment are you most proud of?

I am proud of my spiritual growth and my relationship with God! Due to this, I have conquered some of life’s most challenging moments, while pursuing homeownership and achieving a master's in school of administration.

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Lillie Mae

Lillie Mae is an award-winning PR Strategist, International Speaker and TV Personality from an Emmy-nominated series, who has helped entrepreneurs worldwide grow their business through books, coaching, courses and media campaigns for over 10 years. She graduated from UNC Chapel Hill and has been seen on Netflix, TMZ, and Black Enterprise, among other exciting platforms. 

Her PR efforts have landed major client media placements including USA Today, BET Networks, AfroTech, People Magazine and Yahoo News.

She is excited to continue sharing her passions for writing, speaking and empowering, to support the dreams of other creatives worldwide.

To further connect with her visit + follow @iamLillieMae on social platforms.

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