She is Winning: Meet Book Coach, Brittney Smith

Brittney Smith is a book coach, ghostwriter, and #1 best-selling author. She helps leaders and experts write impactful books that take their business and influence to the next level. She runs a full-service publishing company that turns ideas into best-selling books. Her work has been featured on multiple news stations, magazines, podcasts, and the YouVersion Bible App. Brittney is passionate about pushing boundaries and showing others that books can do the same. When she is not working or reading, she serves her family and community and encourages others to be who they are called to be. When she is not being a servant to a baby and toddler, she enjoys short walks to the refrigerator and long walks around Target, and she lives in the beautiful city of Orlando, Fl, with her family.

We took a moment to catch up with Brittney to learn more about her “winning” journey and here is what she had to say…

How do you define "winning" today?

Winning is having the freedom to be myself and live a life that aligns with my goals and values. It's when I choose to do what's best for me and my family when everyone or everything around me is telling me to blend in or go along with what’s popular. 

In what ways has your definition of "winning" changed over the years?

I used to think winning was being successful by having a lot of money and being able to afford all the material things I wanted. I thought it was a "look." Now I know that winning is something that happens on the inside regardless of what is going on outside. Money comes and money goes, but the person I see in the mirror stays. Am I happy with who she is?

Knowing what you know now, what would you say to your younger self?

Keep going! The path you're on is the fastest path to where you are trying to get to. Even when all hell is breaking loose, it's still the fastest path--laid out by God! 

Name one thing you had to let go of or accept to become the woman you are today?

I'm right where I am supposed to be. I used to spend a lot of time thinking about what I would do differently and then I finally accepted that it would be nothing. Everything I have done, learned, and been through has made me who I am and when I realized that, I was able to embrace the most powerful version of myself!

What accomplishment are you most proud of?

Being a momprenuer! Running a business and having small kids has turned me every which way but loose! However, I am super proud that I have been running my business full-time for 4 years and I do not regret it. Sometimes it's hard and sometimes it's easy. But I'm proud that I didn't give up--thank God for coffee!

How can our readers connect with you?

Instagram: @brittneythebookcoach

Andromeda Raheem

Andromeda Raheem is the founder of She Wins Society, a Certified Master Life Coach, 2x published author, and motivational speaker. Andromeda has dedicated her life to empowering women to shift into a winning mindset, prioritize self-care, cultivate meaningful connections, and invest in their personal development to achieve the highest level of success in their lives and careers. As Andromeda wholeheartedly believes in the power of community, she continuously creates spaces and opportunities for women to grow and win together. Her mantra is “When women support women, we all win”. Andromeda’s ultimate life goal is to fulfill her divine purpose and leave an inspiring legacy that will positively impact current and future generations of women and their families.


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