She is Winning: Meet Media Personality, Jenni Steele

With her British Caribbean upbringing, Jenni Steele understands the true meaning of overcoming adversity and has used her life lessons to make a difference to the world – she is a woman who lives her life out loud.

Jenni has a twenty-year career supporting, educating and uplifting the community. She is a mother, GlamMa, author, patron of Ashmole International School in Ghana, national ambassador for THIUK, and founder of Project YANA CIC.

Jenni is an author, her new books Self Discovery Exercise Journals for boys and girls. She has been featured in books and talk shows. She has interviewed celebrities and traveled the world throughout her career.

Her message to other women is, "Be willing to stand for yourself, within yourself, so that you can surround yourself with the things that honor who you are!"

We took a moment to catch up with Jenni to learn more about her “winning” journey and here is what she had to say…

How do you define "winning" today? 

Looking after my mental and physical health is an important role when it comes to winning in my life. As a Mother, GlamMa, plus running a business and presenting and producing a weekly talk show, it’s a priority. 

A balance of positive attitude, positive thinking and having your tribe is like having a superpower when it comes to winning in life!

In what ways has your definition of "winning" changed over the years?

Winning doesn’t always mean being first is a quote I love! You have your own race to win daily. We all do so focus on that. Your achievements are your wins no matter how big or small. I celebrate them all in real time.

Knowing what you know now, what would you say to your younger self?

To my teenage self:

You have the potential to be an amazing woman. Accept therapeutic support as a way of self care for the future you. 

See it as an opportunity as early as possible as this will reduce long term harm on you as you grow into womanhood. 

To my forty plus self: 

Start that business, apply for that job, go back and study, it’s never too late. Your best is yet to come. So don’t give up! 

Name one thing you had to let go of or accept to become the woman you are today?

Adversity is preparation for greatness. 

What accomplishment are you most proud of?

My children and their children. To inspire, motivate, empower and encourage them to be the best they can be has always been important to me. 

How can our readers connect with you?

Instagram: officialjennisteele



She is Winning: Meet Book Coach, Brittney Smith


She is Winning: Meet Mindset Coach, Jineen R. Huff