She’s That Girl: Meet Creative Visionary, Rasheda Randle

Please tell us a little bit about you, your businesses and where you are from? 

I was born in Evansville, Indiana, raised in Indianapolis for the majority of my life, but I've lived in Atlanta, GA for the past 10 years. I am a professional actress, creative visionary of Ivy League Productions where I write, produce and direct original films, director of theatrical stage productions, and founder of Circle City Film Festival. In addition to my creative side, I'm also a licensed real estate agent, HR consultant, notary public, and wedding officiant. 

Where does your boldness and confidence come from?

My boldness and confidence comes from not having any growing up. For most of my childhood and teen years, I hid behind fear. Fear of perception, fear of rejection...and so I just rolled with the punches and accepted whatever was given to me. I didn't go after the things that I wanted in life. I abandoned my goals and dreams, in fact, I ran from them. But, the older I got, the more I began to find my identity. I started to shed that fear, I started not to care what others thought of me, how they perceived me or whether or not they would reject me. I had finally figured out who I was...I had found my confidence. I'd be remiss if I didn't say that in my mid-30s I had lost my confidence again. I had gained a significant amount of weight and just wasn't feeling myself. But, don't get me wrong, I was confident as a plus size woman, but somewhere along the way, I had lost myself completely. So, I started prioritizing myself mentally, physically, and spiritually, lost the weight, and now that confidence and boldness is back and louder than ever!

When you’re faced with adversity, what motivates you to keep moving forward

When I am faced with adversity, I keep my "why" in the foreground. That's what motivates me. I think about my upbringing and how I've been faced with adversity my entire life. So when obstacles get in my way, when someone tells me that I can't do something, it becomes a personal challenge for me. That little girl from my childhood is behind me cheering me on, and my goal is in front of me waiting for me to achieve it.  Yes, I can reach it. Yes, I can do it. And yes, I will. 

What is one goal you set and achieved that made you feel like “I’m That Girl”? 

Every goal that I set and achieve makes me feel like "I"m That Girl." Every single one. Every time I've graduated with a different degree. Every time I've been on TV. Every time I've nailed an audition. Every time I've won an award. Every time I've produced a film or directed a stage play. Every Circle City Film Festival. Every house I've sold. Every win. 

What has been the best advice you have been given to date? 

Without getting too deep, here are three very simple answers:

Find a mentor. 

Stay true to yourself. 

And "No" is a complete sentence.

At what point did you look at your business and consider it a success? 

As an actor, it was the first time I won an award for Best Actress. As a filmmaker, it was when I produced and directed my first feature length film and we sold out our first screening and received amazing feedback.  And as a real estate agent, it was selling over $1 million in real estate in my first year. 

How do you maintain a work-life balance? 

95% of everything that I do can be done from the comfort of my own home or anywhere for that matter. I am a remote work girl! So I have learned to multitask better than the best. But, I also know when to listen to my body and when to take time to enjoy my family, friends, and life in general. I organize my day to ensure that work does not overwhelm me and I accomplish regular life activities. And I am in bed by 9 PM every night. I do not play about my rest or my sleep. 

Where can we our readers find you online?

IG: @OfficiallySheda

Twitter: @SimplySheda



Jenni Steele

Jenni Steele has a twenty-year career supporting, educating and uplifting the community. She is a mother, GlamMa, author, patron of Ashmole International School in Ghana, national ambassador for THIUK, and founder of Project YANA CIC.

Jenni is an author, her new books Self Discovery Exercise Journals for boys and girls. She has been featured in books and talk shows. She has interviewed celebrities and travelled the world throughout her career.

Her message to other women is, "Be willing to stand for yourself, within yourself, so that you can surround yourself with the things that honor who you are!"


She’s That Girl: Meet Author, Founder, and CEO, Monica Brown


She’s That Girl: Meet Financial Advisor, Breanna Colón