Women Defying the Odds: From Heartbroken to Homeowner - Meet Anita Kerry Felix

Anita Kerry Felix is a lively, motivated, and resourceful mother of two boys. She has a compassionate heart that always aims at inspiring others and strives hard to achieve her aspirations.

Growing up, Anita had a talent for gardening and would plant crotons and hibiscuses in her neighbors' yards to make their surroundings more vibrant. After facing a few setbacks in her personal and professional life, she decided to pursue her passion for plants and people by opening her plant shop, 'The Plant Park'.

Along with her business, she also founded a charitable support group for women called 'Women with Power'. The group primarily focuses on offering prayer and counseling services to its members and also engages in outreach activities such as collecting food and sanitary items for low-income households in Trinidad and Tobago.

Reflecting on your journey of success, what has been the most significant thing you overcame?

Taking care of others has always brought me happiness, but it also made me lose my sense of self easily. As a mother of two boys, I had big aspirations to create a life they would be proud of, especially owning a home we could call our own. My biggest obstacle occurred when I had to gather up the courage to end a long-term relationship with a narcissistic person. I put my dreams on hold for many years, fighting against myself and for him. I had doubts about staying because I craved love, security, companionship, and stability for myself and my boys. However, I also felt guilty for not leaving earlier when I knew he wasn't treating me the way I deserved.

Who or what helped you to overcome?

The number one thing that helped me succeed in every difficulty in my life was prayer. My prayer warriors at church stood by my side when I decided to choose better for myself. I made a plan, focused, and took small steps. However, their prayers and support gave me the grace and peace to get through it. They are still praying with me now. I also had sister-friends who spoke life into me, reassured me that things would work out, and reminded me to stop blaming myself. They reminded me that I was not my mistakes. When one of them suggested I do therapy, I had no idea it would provide so much clarity on how my choices impacted my life experiences. It was one of the tools that genuinely helped me to connect the dots and overcome it.

What is one thing you know today that you wish you had known while experiencing your struggle?

It is wise to take things slowly when you feel weak. Sometimes, we need to take time for self-reflection and connecting with God to determine our next steps and move forward with power. It is important to be able to distance ourselves from things, people, and places in order to rediscover our true selves.

How did you free yourself from your past and learn to trust yourself in adversity?

My past is not a prison; it is a source of strength. Whenever I face difficult situations, I draw inspiration from everything I have survived and remind myself that I can overcome any obstacle once again. When challenges arise, I choose to take a positive approach and say 'why worry when you can pray'. Having gone through heartbreak, I have learned that I am capable of enduring tough times and still have the determination to pursue what I truly want and deserve.

How do you help or hold space for women who you recognize are currently going through the struggles you have overcome?

My struggles have given me the gift of courage. Whenever I notice a woman going through the same difficulties that I have survived, I do not hesitate to share my experiences with her, even with strangers. I simply want to ensure that she knows she is not alone.

I have mostly overcome the selfishness of hiding my struggles. I refuse to hide my truth when my story can help another woman avoid the pain that I have endured.

Connect with Anita on Instagram @the.plantpark.

Annisha Jones

Meet Annisha Jones: Blogger, Podcaster, and Freelance Writer

Annisha Jones is a multi-talented professional with a passion for sharing stories and insights about personal development and positive change. She has a wealth of experience in business administrative communication, writing, and copywriting for various publications.

With an undergraduate degree in Marketing and a master's degree in International Business, Annisha brings over 20 years of experience to the table. Her blog and podcast, "5 Years to 40 Podcast," is aimed at easing the fears of millennials who are approaching their fortieth birthday.

It provides inspiration, confidence, and guidance in areas such as health, careers, and relationships. By collaborating with guests and experts, Annisha's weekly chats give readers and listeners invaluable insights.

Annisha has many favourite things including a cup of coffee, an inspiring conversation, and a fantastic day by the ocean with her loved ones. But more than anything else, her greatest joy comes from raising her teenage daughter.



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