She is Winning: Meet Motivational Speaker, Annisha Jones

Annisha Jones is a multi-talented professional passionate about sharing stories and insights about personal development and positive change. She has a wealth of experience in business administrative communication, writing, and public speaking.

With an undergraduate degree in Marketing and a master's degree in International Business, Annisha brings over twenty years of experience. Her blog and podcast, "5 Years to 40 Podcast," aim to ease the fears of millennials approaching their fortieth birthday. She is also a motivational speaker and hosts the annual All Aglow Empowerment Breakfast.

Annisha loves many things, including a cup of coffee, an inspiring conversation, and a fantastic day by the ocean with her loved ones. But more than anything else, her greatest joy comes from raising her teenage daughter.

We took a moment to catch up with Annisha to learn more about her “winning” journey and here is what she had to say…

How do you define "winning" today?

For me, winning is having a peaceful, powerful life. It's experiencing joy in your heart, having a deep sense of self, doing meaningful work, serving others, being surrounded by people you love and who love you, and having enough strength to dance to an entire soca song if you need to.

In what ways has your definition of "winning" changed over the years?

Younger Annisha believed that ‘winning’ was about achievement. I thought I would be happy and satisfied if I focused on achieving milestones, most of which were material things like houses, cars, careers, and perfect people around me.  

That definition did not leave room for mistakes, setbacks, or delays, nor did it leave room for grace, unexpected blessings, chance encounters, or any of the other things that make our lives beautiful. 

Right now, winning is more about being and less about getting. I love that I can be who I am. Showing up every day as my most authentic self, walking in truth and love is the real win. All the material things are cute, but they come secondary.

Knowing what you know now, what would you say to your younger self?

I would smile, hug her tight, kiss her forehead, and tell her to slow down. I’d tell her to love herself first and fiercely, love her body and mind, and learn to ask for help when needed. Finally, I’d tell her to pray, practice gratitude, listen, and be patient. It's okay to spend extra on razors, sheets, underwear, and shoes to go to work.  

Name one thing you had to let go of or accept to become the woman you are today.

I had to come to terms with the fact that good things happen and that I deserve them. I had no problem accepting things going wrong.  When problems come, I roll up my sleeves and push through, even while pulling others along.  Even though I worked hard, I realized I had a habit of rejecting things that made me happy. I had so many disappointments in my early life that I unconsciously distrusted things going well. It wasn't until I shifted into love and trust in myself and believed in who God said I was that I began shedding those false narratives about myself. It’s been a tough journey. I’m still unlearning habits of self-sabotage and imposture syndrome, but I’m so proud of the woman I am today. 

Now, when negative things come up, resentments and disappointments, I remind myself that miracles are my birthright, and they happen every day. Even on the stormiest day, all is well, and good is always coming to me.

What accomplishment are you most proud of?

I’m proud of being a safe space for the people I love and the people who love me. My living room has been a place for my daughter, family, and friends. I know my words move people to move, and I am honoured that they can come to me. We will talk about it, drink some coffee (or whiskey), fry some chicken, share counsel, cry if necessary and come up with a plan for moving forward.

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Andromeda Raheem

Andromeda Raheem is the founder of She Wins Society, a Certified Master Life Coach, 2x published author, and motivational speaker. Andromeda has dedicated her life to empowering women to shift into a winning mindset, prioritize self-care, cultivate meaningful connections, and invest in their personal development to achieve the highest level of success in their lives and careers. As Andromeda wholeheartedly believes in the power of community, she continuously creates spaces and opportunities for women to grow and win together. Her mantra is “When women support women, we all win”. Andromeda’s ultimate life goal is to fulfill her divine purpose and leave an inspiring legacy that will positively impact current and future generations of women and their families.


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