She’s a Girl’s Girl: Meet Certified Life Coach, Jordan Thorpe

Jordan Thorpe was born and raised in Pittsburgh, PA. She is a mother to her son and a Certified Life Coach with a bachelor's and master's in communication.

After being a teen mom, struggling with her identity and fitting in in high school, and overcoming depression, Jordan started blogging about her trials and tribulations and released her first book entitled Jordan’s Journey: Self-Help Guide to Finding Self and Purpose.

Today, she is the founder of Jordan's Journey, a personal development company helping people move forward in life and faith. Jordan has coached over 1200 women from all over the world, helping them create a custom strategy for their life so they can do what God is calling them to do. Her biblical teachings have grown her online presence to thousands of subscribers and millions of views.

What does being a Girl’s Girl mean to you?

When I think of being a girl, I think of liking the color pink, getting dressed and looking stylish, and having hair and nails done.

What makes you so passionate about showing love to and support for other women?

What makes me passionate about showing love to and support for other women is my love for Christ and wanting to see people break free from bondage and become who God has created them to be.

Tell us about a goal you achieved that wouldn’t have been possible without the help of other women.

A goal I achieved, made possible by the support of inspiring women, was discovering a vibrant community of believers.

What three personal values guide how you maintain and recruit members for your tribe/ support system?

The members of my support system are believers, supportive, and they add value to my life.

How do you balance showing support for others and holding space for yourself?

That’s a good question. I just recently started being intentional about holding space for myself. So what that looks like is having a community with fellowship of other believers, small group Bible studies, and spiritual leaders who I can go to who can properly invest in me and my calling.

How can our readers connect with you?

Instagram:@allthingsjordan, @jordansjourneycoaching



Annisha Jones

Meet Annisha Jones: Blogger, Podcaster, and Freelance Writer

Annisha Jones is a multi-talented professional with a passion for sharing stories and insights about personal development and positive change. She has a wealth of experience in business administrative communication, writing, and copywriting for various publications.

With an undergraduate degree in Marketing and a master's degree in International Business, Annisha brings over 20 years of experience to the table. Her blog and podcast, "5 Years to 40 Podcast," is aimed at easing the fears of millennials who are approaching their fortieth birthday.

It provides inspiration, confidence, and guidance in areas such as health, careers, and relationships. By collaborating with guests and experts, Annisha's weekly chats give readers and listeners invaluable insights.

Annisha has many favourite things including a cup of coffee, an inspiring conversation, and a fantastic day by the ocean with her loved ones. But more than anything else, her greatest joy comes from raising her teenage daughter.



She’s a Girl’s Girl: Meet Podcast Producer, Cheré Turner Munn


She’s a Girl’s Girl: Meet CEO of Cristina’s Curls, Courtney Smith